Spectrum Glazing Ltd


Spectrum Glazing Ltd

1The Studio, Church Road Business Centre, Church Rd, Brightlingsea, Colchester CO7 0GG, United Kingdom

+44 1206 258056


A lot of people today are aware about the benefits of double glazing installations at home. In addition to their longevity, such windows also have high energy efficiency as compared to the conventional grades. This in turn, brings down the energy expenses thereby promoting the environment status.

But, a number of people do not have a clear idea about the double glazing windows even now. They do not know about their efficiency and also lack the knowledge about the different varieties available today. If you have a similar problem, go through the entire column. It will certainly help you find the much-needed answers.

Rating and standardisation

The British Fenestration Grading council is the body responsible for grading and standardisation of the double glazing products. The organization mainly rates the windows according to their energy efficiency. The council is a member of the GGF's trade association. Glass Glazing Federation helps the council to offer a better service to the consumers.

The grading system basis

Dual glazing windows are available in 5 different grades. A grade represents the premium grade while E grade represents the lowest possible grade. The council rates the products after checking their energy efficiency at the outset. The council also does the grading according to the condensation or wind resisting ability of the dual glazing products.

Dual glazing products, their similarities and differences

The BFRC grading system is a quick and easy way to make out the energy efficiency of two different products. Although the A grade products are more costly than the others, they will certainly offer a better dividend than the others. Not only are they more energy-efficient, they are also very cost-effective in the long run.

With triple glazed products, many people now get confused. They do not feel confident of their existing dual glazing products. But, if you have a premium grade product in good condition, you do not need to replace it. The difference between an A grade double glazed material and a triple glazed one is very modest.



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