GoodLife Beverly Hills


GoodLife Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Subdivision, Phase 1 Provincial Road, Taytay, Rizal, Philippines

There are a lot of businesses today that are very much in demand and one of them is a bar. When you own a business that includes selling liquor, you will be required to secure a liquor license. Know that there are different requirements for getting such. Once you are done dealing with those, you will have to pay the required fee. Determining the cost of a liquor license in your area is where confusion arises since there are different types of licenses to consider based on the location and nature of your business.

Each liquor license entails a different price. Knowing the different costs of this special requirement in your area and for the type of business you have is really important. To help you, here are the different types of liquor licenses for different types of business. And depending on the type you need, the cost also varies.

  • 3DPS to 3PS of the Liquor and Wine Package Sales
  • 8COP to 4COP of the Beer, Wine and Liquor Consumption on Premises classification
There are also special licenses provided for different business establishments. Club and special licenses are important for business owners of golf clubs, country clubs, performing arts facilities, and others wanting to serve liquor. Check out the following:

  • Lodges and other club license for wine, beer and liquor consumption on premises
  • Performing Arts License for beer, wine, and liquor consumption on premises
  • Private Golf Clubs License for beer, wine and liquor consumption on premises
  • American Legion Club License for wine, beer and liquor consumption on premises
  • Golf Clubs Open to the General Public Beer, Wine and Liquor consumption on premises
  • Special Club License for wine, beer and liquor consumption on premises
  • Caterer License for wine, beer and liquor consumption on premises


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