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There is a weed killer called Pramatol that you can get at Intermountain Farmers Association. It comes in a white granular form. You can put it on the ground and it will take care of all the weeds for one year. However, if you read the container it will make the ground sterile for up to three years. We have only seen it work for one year, but it works very well with only one application. This product must be used with caution.

Some weeds can be sprayed repeatedly and don't die. In addition, you can pull them by hand and almost never get out the roots. One example of this is Morning Glory. What is a homeowner to do?

You can wait until they die back and next spring hit them hard while they are first sprouting. And, since most of you don't like this answer, I will give you an option to immediately get rid of them. You can take concentrated weed killer and very carefully, with heavy duty rubber gloves and eye protection, you can put concentrated weed killer on the plants with a paintbrush or rag. The high concentration is sure to kill the weed. Don't ever just dump it on the weed. This would be dangerous to humans and is in violation of Federal Law. The goal is to use as little as possible and get the job done.

Another option is to use a propane torch. You can buy specialized propane torches that are made just to burn out weeds. It's an easy and quick method that works well.

In reality, you should stay away from poisons as much as possible. They aren't good for humans or the environment.


You may have the idea to just weed whack down everything. This will definitely give the property an overall uplift, but the weeds will come back soon. The best way is to spray the weeds first and wait a week or two; then weed whack. Not only does the poison work down to the roots better, but the added weed whacking will make it more difficult for the weeds to survive.

Fumigants kill the soil. They are used when the soil is contaminated in some way. For example, Fairy Ring in lawns. Fumigants are best left to professionals and are usually a last resort. In most cases, it's better to replace the soil.


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