Baroody Law PLLC
What is a Trademark Search? A trademark search can, in actuality, be many different things. In theory, a trademark search is performed to determine whether or not the mark you are hoping to use is already taken by another. This allows an individual to apply with a greater level of confidence for the use of a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (herein referred to as the USPTO). A trademark search is, ideally, a comprehensive, analytical way of researching a name, slogan or logo for prior use. A trademark search can also be performed in a sloppy and ineffective manner, and may not protect you from potentially infringing upon another's name or logo. This is why it's important to ensure that the trademark research you have commissioned is done comprehensively and thoroughly! It is not unusual for a trademark research company to charge hundreds of dollars for searching the USPTO, which you can do for free. Comprehensive research firms search Federal, Stat...